Ice your testicles!

I first came across this idea about 8 years ago while writing up a paper on fertility and sperm motility. While doing my research, I found myself on the website of a fertility doctor somewhere in New York state, who had some very interesting ideas.This man wasn't always prescribing dr ugs and hormones to his male patients, he was thinking outside the box.

The one technique of his that really got my attention, was his testicle icing suggestion. Sadly,his website has been down for quite some time, but I still clearly remember his protocol.
Here's how it went ...
Go home and place an icepack, wrapped in a thick towel, onto your testicles and leave it there  for approximately 20 minutes. Remove ice pack, wait one hal f hour, then proceed to have sex with your partner. I was very intrigued after I read this, so I immediately ran out and did some additional research.

Here's what I discovered. .. Prior to the steroid era, Russian power lifters used to ice their testicles to boost  testosterone production before competition. Heating and warming the testicles has been used as a for m of birth control in several d fferent cultures.The cremasteric reflex, that drops your testicle sack when the heat
rises, was specifically designed by nature to keep your testicles cool. Failure to allow this drop results in a significant reduction in fertility and male hormone production. As a matter of fact, once testicle
temperature creeps up to around 98 degrees, sper m production stops entirely.
Here's how you can use this information to your advantage ...

Avoid sitting in hot tubs or jacuzzis for extended periods of time. When this can't be avoided, make it a point to ice your testicles to cool them down after a Jacuzzi session. Lose the tight under wear, and switch over to loose fitting boxer shorts.Or better yet, drop the under wear entirely, especially when you
know you can get away with it

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